Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Money II: A Frightening Prospect

In the last money post I talked about the importance of a budget. Well, when you do your budget, be prepared to see something you don't like.

Yesterday I laid out all my income vs all of my expenses. That revealed that we're spending more than we're making. That's bad news. Especially for a father. It's my biblical responsibility to care for this family. So I have to fix this.

There are three possible solutions:
1. Spend less money. Unfortunately, that's not a real option without selling a vehicle. Our vehicles are not lavish now. I'm not willing to trade down to a less dependable vehicle because I think it's more important to have something we can rely on.
2. Get a raise. Gee, that should be easy.
3. Get a second job.

The most likely solution is the third one. I don't want a second job. The thought of not being at home to give my son his nighttime feeding or to give him his bath nearly brings me to tears. But I'll do what I have to do for the sake of my family.

It's a real possibility for several people I'm sure. And I'm certainly not the first person to have to do this. But that doesn't make the medicine any sweeter.

I'd love to give some sage like advice here, but I'm tapped out today. Prayer, here I come.

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