Thursday, April 13, 2006

Changing Diapers

What's your favorite diaper changing technique?

My sister-in-law's response to a previous post (Better Peed Off than Peed On) got me thinking about this topic. To modify a Paul Simon lyric, "there must be 50 ways to change a diaper..."

1. Just Slip Out the Back Jack...This is the nickname I'll give my technique to stay consistent with the 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover theme. I like to place a new diaper, opened, under my son. So that it appears that you're getting ready to wrap him, diaper and all, in a fresh one. Then I quickly remove the old diaper and whip the front panel into place of the new diaper. Total exposed to air time: less than 1 second.

2. Make a New Plan Stan...we'll nickname Crystal's technique with this line. They like the idea of using an opened diaper like a catcher's mit for any oncoming pee. It's a nice technique. You always protect yourself that way. And if you're quick enough to bring it down to the baby's nether-regions, then you protect him as well. Total exposed to air time: various, but near 1 second.

3. You Don't Need to be Coy Roy...Avoiding the pee won't make it go away. If you're technique resembles a French Military stand (ie, retreat) please administer another technique and show some backbone.

Just Get Yourself Free. That's the name of the game. Technique's vary, but if it's effective, stick with it. If not, feel free to use mine. If you've got a different technique (and you've somehow found this site) then please pass it on through the comments portion. Until then, we'll close with more Paul Simon...

"Just hop on the bus, Gus. You don't need to discuss much. Just drop off the key, Lee and get yourself free."

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