Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Are these my socks?

Aiden got some chilly feet last night so he wanted to put some socks on this morning. So he grabbed some of Daddy's.
The really funny thing is these are ankle socks, yet they come up to almost his knees.
Pray for us this week as Aiden will take his very first plane ride. His first will be when he's less than two. My first was when I was 24. So he beat me pretty badly on that "first."
We're also teething right now. Hopefully that goes quickly and smoothly. He usually gets a bit of a cold when he teeths. We're really hoping that doesn't happen before we fly to Texas to see family for a week.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy 18th (month) Birthday!!!

Today our son is 18 months old. That's not an official birthday, but it should be. Congratulations to our son for surviving our largely absent parenting skills for 18 months. Just 198 months to go (roughly) before college.

I think I just made myself sick a little bit.