Thursday, August 03, 2006

How Did We Get Here?

I can’t pinpoint the exact moment where my son became a Mama’s Boy. I’ve retraced our 8+ months of history, and I honestly can’t say when it happened. Perhaps it was a slow progression. But somewhere along the line the boy has decided that in moments as mundane as playing in the living room floor to moments as traumatic as fighting this most recent cold, he would rather have Mama than Dada.

I can’t say how I feel about this exactly. There’s the sensible, rational part of me who realizes that it’s quite natural for young boys to develop an affinity for their mothers. But then there’s the selfish, emotional part of me that is saddened by it and wonders what I could have done differently.

Rationally I realize there’s not much I could have done. I’m a pretty good Dad. I’m fun, I take care of him, I play with him, cuddle him, hug him and kiss him. I do most all the things that his mother does. I just don’t do them like she does, apparently.

It was a fascinating thing to watch happen. My wife is a devoted and excellent mother, so you can't blame the boy for "picking" her. But the whole time I kept watching him desire her comfort and presence more and I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt a bit.

So chalk up one more cliché as being true. Mama’s Boys and (hopefully, someday) Daddy’s Girls. Now excuse me while I wallow in my own self pity.


LH said...

Found your blog by clicking on 'random blogs' link. Thought I would leave a comment. Your son will come around and think you are the coolest dad ever. You know why? Because you care if he does or not. So many dads don't even take notice of those things. I think it is wonderful and very endearing that you have taken notice! He will come around, Dad!

Travis said...

Thanks for the boost. I'm sure he will come around and I really don't mind that he's so attached to his mother. For one, it is natural and you can't fight it fruitfully. And besides that, he's not scared of me or anything. He just prefers Mama right now.

Thanks for visiting. Come back by when you can.