Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Cold Tag

No, cold tag is not a run and chase game played in the snow. It's when one family member catches a cold, passes it to another, who passes it to another, who passes it to yet another. You get the idea.

My wife's job exposes her to quite a bit of sickness from time to time. She works in the social work field and so is exposed to many people who aren't 100% healthy and often aren't 100% clean. So she picked up a cold a couple weeks ago.

She gave the cold to our son.

Our son gave the cold to me.

Never one to leave a bad deed unpunished, it seems I've given it back to him.

It's no fun and I'm sure deep in her heart my wife resents me for giving him another cold. I'll take some of that responsibility. Let's just hope that this is the end of this cycle and that once he's rid of it, we expel cold bugs/viruses from our home for a while.

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