Tuesday, May 02, 2006

And Now Introducing...CARROTS!

Ah the simple joys of parenting. Not the least of which is laughing yourself silly at the expense of the little one whose motor skills are not quite at professional athlete level. Dexterity is something I think we take for granted. Seeing a kid grab a spoon probably has very little effect on the non-parent. But for a first time mom or dad, it's as exciting as getting the IRS refund check.

Our son has been eating cereal for several weeks, as you've seen. And now he has ventured into the wonderful world of vegetables. Now that he's eaten and enjoyed two different kinds of vegetables (squash and carrots) he's pretty much eating more than his uncle who consumes only french fries (which don't count) and corn.

Ok, his uncle probably eats more vegetables than that, but it's not much more. I suspect nephew will surpass uncle by the end of the month. He's taken to vegetables very well. I sincerely hope he grows to like a lot of them. Because I want him to be very healthy? Sure, I suppose that's true. But mostly because a can of Green Giant is much cheaper than a pound of beef. It's all about the bottom line baby!

1 comment:

Nestor Family said...

What I hate is when they eat so wonderfully as a baby and then they hit the age where anything green, orange or red is OUT of the question!!!

You can only go so long making peanut butter sandwiches and EGGO waffles for them!!! Aaaaargh!!! (Ha ha!)