Wednesday, November 05, 2008

How's Aiden Doing with the Baby?

The most frequent question we've heard since Isabel was born is, "How's is Aiden doing with her?" It's a very legitimate question and one that we were worried about ourselves. Aiden is a great child and has been as easy as a two year old can be to raise. But you worry after almost three years as the only child how he would react to a baby sister being in the house.

So here is an illustrated story to answer that question.

At first, Aiden wasn't sure he liked this whole baby situation. He took a long time to warm up to the idea. After Daddy brought Isabel out from the delivery, Aiden didn't say a word about her. He looked at her only briefly and seemed disappointed that his playtime with Papaw Bob was being interrupted.

Even after Momma got out of recovery and into the postpartum room, Aiden seemed content to play by himself. While everyone else was clamoring over Isabel, Aiden read a book. When he got around her, he would look at her then walk away.

But before we left the hospital, Aiden had grown fond of his little sister. He adapted to sharing the attention. We are very proud of him and how mature he's been in accepting and loving his sister.

As Aiden became more enamored with Isabel, one thing he's done is pepper her with kisses. Lots of kisses. WHOLE GREAT BIG BUNCHES of kisses. Which doesn't surprise me or his mother. He's a very affectionate child.

And now they're just like, well, they're just like brother and sister. Exactly as it should be.

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