Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September Updates

We Played with Stickers

We got a new outfit from Nana.

Ok, two new outfits from Nana.

We celebrated Aunt Ester's birthday with some cake.

We got our first sunburn (look close to see farmer tan on the arms and redness on the face)

Then we just chilled out with some Clubhouse Disney.


laurie said...

glad to see the new pictures! i love the one with the stickers. :)

Travis said...

He got those stickers from Aunt Ester and insisted on sticking them all on his belly.

My favorite is the one lounging on the bed watching Playhouse Disney while Mom and Dad got ready for work.

Thanks for checking in with us. Simon is growing up fast and is adorable.

Beth Tidwell said...

Cute pictures. His expression in the sunburn picture made me think of Liz.