Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Bumps and Bruises

It's no wonder that young men love to play contact sports. It seems that males are attracted to football and hockey, both to play and to watch. And when you have a young son, you see why. The pain, hits, bruises, bumps, blood, and tears no doubt reminds them of when they were a small child.

I can say this with confidence because I watch my son almost daily slip, fall, run into, crash into, and pull off things that constantly cause him minor pain. Our boy is particularly fond of grabbing things off our coffee table. Then getting them off the floor and putting them back on the coffee table. But when your legs are like Play-Do (they're solid, but you wouldn't want to put your weight on them) you slip and you fall into the coffee table. A lot. Repeatedly.

The lesson to be learned here is that no matter how closely you watch your child, it is inevitable that the child will risk his/her own life multiple times weekly. It's just run of the mill type of stuff. And it's a good thing. That's right, a good thing. Fathers will say it toughens them up. Mothers will say it teaches them to be more cautious. Either way, pain, physical pain in particular, is a part of life and the more you have to deal with it, maybe the better you get at it.

Now I'm not suggesting you whack junior with a rolling pin to teach him toughness. (Really. Don't do that. Ever.) But don't freak out when the kid gets hurt. Just be there to kiss the boo-boos and soothe the baby. After all, he's not Superman, is he?

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