Thursday, June 05, 2008

Support the American Cancer Society

Tomorrow is the Warren County, Kentucky Relay for Life to benefit the American Cancer Society. Yesterday, my uncle Billy passed away a victim of cancer.

I adopted Relay for Life as my pet project where I work a few years ago and this year has been a great lesson that I need to double my efforts. As a business we do pretty well. As an individual I've had my best year yet. But I can do better.

This little blurb is to encourage you to donate to the American Cancer Society. If you're blessed enough to never have been touched by cancer, praise God and help those who have. But if you're like most of us, you've known those who have battled cancer, whether they be survivors or victims. Please give to help fight this disease because it is surely fighting us.

If you'd like to donate to my team:

If you want to donate to ACS in another way:

Thank you and may God bless us all.

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